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Management and boards

The core of Helmholtz AI is built by three crucial parts: the Science Management team, the Steering Board, and the Scientific Advisory Committee.

Helmholtz AI Science Management

Operating from Helmholtz Munich, the team supports people and activities across the whole network, e.g. through hackathons, educational outreach and via a range of collaborative funding schemes. The science management team ensures a seamless flow of information, alignment with overall strategy and concise reporting.


Fabian Theis

Helmholtz Munich, Helmholtz AI, Scientific Director

Christoph Feest

Head of Science Management

Mayra Marin

Science Manager

Mathieu Seyfrid

Academic Collaborations and Entrepreneurship Manager

Ina Ivanova

Communication and Outreach Manager

Elisabetta Giubilato

Events Manager

Helmholtz AI Steering Board

We have a range of bodies that ensure alignment with our strategy and that sound out new developments. Our Helmholtz AI steering board (SB) is responsible for the general development of the platform. It directs our activities and ensures that we act in the interest of the whole Helmholtz Association and in coordination with the Helmholtz Information and Data Science Incubator.

Steering Board

Helmholtz AI Scientific Advisory Committee 

Our Helmholtz AI scientific advisory committee (SAC) provides advice on scientific developments, ensures that we work along the state-of-the-art and produce relevant scientific output.